One jab for all: Could a universal flu vaccine be on the horizon?
Ashley Jackson reports on progress on the hunt for a universal flu vaccine, and reviews the pros and cons of such a venture.
Ashley Jackson reports on progress on the hunt for a universal flu vaccine, and reviews the pros and cons of such a venture.
Jen Jiang reports on a new study finding that lung infections can be caused by gut bacteria, with implications for antimicrobial resistance.
Olivia Allen reports on the European Space Agency’s announcement that they will launch SOLARIS, a project to research space-based solar power.
Evie Rosette reports on recent research finding a possible link between mode-of-delivery and response to vaccines in infancy.
Caius Gibeily reports on the promising results from a phase I trial which transfused lab-grown red blood cells into healthy patients.
Ilke Boran reports on newly discovered fossils shedding light on the evolutionary history and ancient origins of the animal skeletal system.
Tara Venkatesan discusses the complex link between tech and mental health, and how VR and AR technology can foster psychological connection.
Olivia Allen reports on the findings of a new genome-wide association study which identified a potential 27 new variants linked to dyslexia.
Kiran Weston discusses why conservation efforts have proven so successful, including recent advancements in conservation programmes.
Anna Kelliher reports on the winners of the 2023 Breakthrough Prize, and exciting advancements in treating narcolepsy.