The War Against Cancer – Are Our Bodies Our Own Greatest Weapons?

Over the last few decades, our treatment of cancer has been revolutionised. The field has been transformed by a focus on ‘personalised medicine’ which involves treating patients’ individual cases rather than grouping them together. It is universally recognised that there is no single cure for cancer, and increasing evidence suggests that there is not a…

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Women in STEM – Pioneers Past and Present

Anyone studying a science at university will have sat in many lectures where the slides of historical background contain seemingly endless photographs of affluent white men. The efforts of women in science are often overlooked due to unequal opportunities in the workplace, and lack of recognition of their achievements by the scientific community. Despite this,…

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An antidote to fear

10 million people in the UK suffer from some sort of phobia. At the heart of these anxiety-related disorders are aversive memories, which are formed when the brain makes a link between an object, animal, place, or situation and a traumatic event experienced at the same time. Currently, treatment for these phobias involves gradually exposing…

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Personalised Medicine

What happens when one size does not fit all? The first race-based combination prescription drug, Hydralazine-plus-nitrate is used in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Among African Americans, life expectancy of those with heart failure is increased using this combination drug, whereas white Americans respond less effectively to the drug. Another drug, Gefitinib, used in…

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