Fighting the ‘Infodemic’ – changing people’s personal truths

Jack Blowers A recent report from the Centre for Countering Digital Hate has revealed 31 million people follow anti-vaxxer groups on Facebook and a further 17 million are subscribed to equivalent YouTube channels – whose videos are likely viewed and shared by many more. Currently, despite the apparent success of the UK vaccination program, there…

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COVID-19 vaccination causes robust immune response, according to new report

Tom Leslie A joint university study backs up the idea of giving single vaccine doses to those who are most at risk. The University of Oxford, in partnership with the universities of Liverpool, Sheffield, Cambridge, Newcastle, and Birmingham, has conducted a study, referred to as PITCH (Protective Immunity from T-cells in Healthcare Workers), on a…

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A Levitating Frog and Scotch Tape

OVERALL WINNER of the Hilary Term 2021 Schools Science Writing Competition Rohit Antonygnaneswaran, Year 12, Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School A levitating frog and Scotch tape. Would you be surprised to know that they were both part of a scientist’sresearch projects that led to breakthroughs in different fields of physics? Or that both of these…

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The Unappreciated Creativity Within Science

Lucy Kelly, Year 12, Barton Peveril College Perhaps for many young people today, science is seen as a rigid and formula-abiding subject, for which there is little room for creative liberty. In reality, creativity lies within the heart of science, just as it is of music, art and literature. The development of fresh scientific ideas…

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Creativity: Essential to Science and the Human Race

Tilly Arscott, Year 11, The Woodroffe School Creativity is an inherently human attribute that we have evolved to have in order to overcome problems and devise solutions through original thinking. It seems to be the fruit of a desire to survive, a relentless determination to adapt and innovate and overcome. In this way, science was born from…

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Creativity: A Scientific Necessity

Sophie Beck, Year 12, James Allen’s Girls’ School Creativity lies at the core of science and yet it may not be the first word that comes to mind when science is mentioned. Science is precise and logically progressive, involving meticulous observations, often tested with diligent repetitions, but it starts with an original idea and a…

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The Science Behind Creativity

Carmen Dupac, Year 12, Twynham School Science is not often regarded as a creative subject; most wouldn’t consider it to be creative at all. After all, science relies on scientific methods and credibility, statistics and data, tests and hypotheses – all things that seem to eliminate creativity. But what about the areas where creativity is…

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