Helen Collins

Drawn picture of person with tree as brain

Treating the old with the new: stem cell therapies for Alzheimer’s disease

Artwork by Matthew Kurnia This article was originally published in The Oxford Scientist Hilary Term 2022 edition, Regeneration. ‘The next great advance in medical care will not be a magical pill, it will be a miraculous cell called the mesenchymal stem cell’. Speaking at a TEDx event in Ashland, Oregon in 2019, American physician Dr…

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Undoing Scientific Wrongdoings: Is Journal Retraction Enough?

Following a spate of recent high-profile journal retractions, some scientists are questioning the integrity of the peer-review process and how flawed articles can be published in high-impact journals. But what happens when a journal article is retracted, and is it too late to truly disregard the details it contained? Let’s take a deeper look into…

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