The end of Dunbar’s number: Have our social networks changed for good?
Helen Collins explores evidence for and against Dunbar’s number, the idea that our species’ social groups are limited to around 150 people.
Helen Collins explores evidence for and against Dunbar’s number, the idea that our species’ social groups are limited to around 150 people.
On the 23rd March, the UK was put into lockdown due to the ever-growing threat of Covid-19. The lockdown has now been eased, with schools reopening, workers returning to their jobs and members of the public being allowed to meet within the two-meter guidelines. However, when imposed, the travel ban greatly impacted our daily lives,…
Below fathom five, at depths you cannot fathom, both of them have found their forever home. Now their kids are leaving to find their own houses of glass, but they have to be careful—because they, just like their parents, will then become trapped for the rest of their lives. They will look out at the…