Lokiceratops—novel dinosaur species or a familiar face?
Divya Ganesh reports on a newly discovered dinosaur and refutes claims stating the Lokiceratops simply shows within-species variation.
Divya Ganesh reports on a newly discovered dinosaur and refutes claims stating the Lokiceratops simply shows within-species variation.
Ben Igielman outlines the challenging process of real-life dinosaur digs, comparing it to the portrayal in ‘Jurassic Park’.
Spencer Pevsner reviews Prehistoric Planet 2, describing its incredible visuals, engaging plot, and raising awareness about its issues.
Fossil dinosaur remains encased in amber with beetle larvae have revealed the origins of a 100 million year symbiosis, reports Ben Igielman.
Ben Igielman discusses the revolutionary advances in palaeontology which are allowing information on very small fossils to be extracted.
Our perception of dinosaurs is changing. Peyton Cherry discusses how recent scientific evidence is helping us to reimaging what our favourite dinosaurs looked like and how they lived.