Hope for Alzheimer’s patients as Theory of Learning and Memory challenged
Leah Fogarty reports on new findings surrounding the inhibition of enzymes, in order to treat late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Leah Fogarty reports on new findings surrounding the inhibition of enzymes, in order to treat late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Leah Fogarty discusses the complexities and urgent need for research on Capgras delusion, a poorly understood psychiatric condition.
Lily Massey explores the potential of senolytics to combat age-related diseases, possibly improving the quality of human life in later years.
Angelina Shcherbakowa delves into the enigma of Guam’s lytico-bodig disease, attempting to trace its potential origins.
Artwork by Matthew Kurnia This article was originally published in The Oxford Scientist Hilary Term 2022 edition, Regeneration. ‘The next great advance in medical care will not be a magical pill, it will be a miraculous cell called the mesenchymal stem cell’. Speaking at a TEDx event in Ashland, Oregon in 2019, American physician Dr…
Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia worldwide. Could Aducanumab end the 19-year drought on Alzheimer’s treatments?
Alzheimer’s disease is a major global health problem, with the number of people with the disease in the UK expected to double by 2050. Efforts to develop an effective treatment have not yet been successful as we don’t properly understand what causes it. What do we already know about Alzheimer’s? One of the key features…