Anti-conformity creates a new conformity

Complexity science explains why efforts to reject the mainstream merely result in a new conformity. Despise anything that is “too mainstream”? Want to make a countercultural statement with an alternative style? Your one-of-a-kind look often ironically ends up pretty much the same as your counterculture peers. Intrigued by this counterintuitive phenomena, mathematician Jonathan Touboul at…

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Truly recycling plastic with reversible polymer chemistry

In the ideal world, recycling plastics should break the polymers back to monomers, its original building blocks. Monomers could then be made into new plastics over and over. The team from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California brought us one step closer to the dream of closed-loop, zero-waste plastics. Researchers utilised a family of…

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How the search on your window monitors global biodiversity outside the window

Sitting in your room, typing…/, you are actually helping scientists to monitor species outside the window.  Recently in the open-access journal PLOS Biology, the University of Oxford, the University of Birmingham and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev collectively published their investigation on how Wikipedia pageview records correlates to seasonal patterns in nature. We had…

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The Big Freeze: scientists obstructed by the US government shutdown

Photograph: The Washington Post/Getty Images By Abigail Pavey Temperatures plummet across North America but the United States federal government has been suffering from a more chilling type of freeze – federal paralysis. In pursuit of his wall, President Donald Trump started the longest government shutdown in modern US history and as a result, science across…

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The Genetic Lottery: Sickle Cell Anaemia and Me

by Tamilore Awosile, Year 13, The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Hertfordshire. I was born with sickle cell anaemia, a genetically inherited blood disorder which affects approximately 4.4 million people worldwide. In the UK, it is particularly prevalent in people of African or Caribbean heritage. Sickle cell is caused by a mutation in the DNA of…

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