Nature-based solutions for urban regeneration
Emma Ford describes how urban regeneration schemes work by mimicking natural processes, and the potential problems with this approach.
Emma Ford describes how urban regeneration schemes work by mimicking natural processes, and the potential problems with this approach.
As part of our Regeneration print edition, Duncan W. Martinson discusses mathematical modelling for regenerative medicine.
From our 2022 Regeneration issue, Halima Doski discusses the role of science in waste, particularly in plastic usage and recycling.
Sophie Berdugo outlines the advancements in technology enabling AI fossil detection.
Elizabeth Mira Rothweiler discusses our gut microbiome, and how antibiotics impact it.
Artwork by Matthew Kurnia This article was originally published in The Oxford Scientist Hilary Term 2022 edition, Regeneration. ‘The next great advance in medical care will not be a magical pill, it will be a miraculous cell called the mesenchymal stem cell’. Speaking at a TEDx event in Ashland, Oregon in 2019, American physician Dr…