New study recreates key step of eukaryotic evolution in the lab
Jen Jiang reports on a new study involving the induction of endosymbiosis to investigate a key step of eukaryotic evolution.
Jen Jiang reports on a new study involving the induction of endosymbiosis to investigate a key step of eukaryotic evolution.
Malintha Hewa Batage reflects on evolutionary mismatch and how our metabolic genes are not well-matched with a modern, sedentary lifestyle.
Julia Chung, the year 10-11 category winner of the Schools Science Competition reflects on predator-prey coevolution.
Year 12-13 winner of the Schools Science Competition, Jaden Lim, reflects on how domestication has been pivotal to the path of evolution.
Overall Schools Science Competition winner, Arushi Vasanad, explores the evolution of humans’ most powerful organ.
Olivia Allen reports on an exciting new sunlight trapping device using the simple quartz stone, which may reduce the need for fossil fuels.
Isra El Haddad reflects on the importance of ancient discoveries to the evolution of modern medicine and treatments.
Isabelle Goodall-Summers explores the internet’s influence on beauty standards, and its promotion of potentially dangerous procedures.
Marianna Birkitt examines the multifaceted applications of microfluidics in biological research, ethical drug testing, and space exploration.
Lorenz Olbrich examines the current state of the battery research and discusses what the future holds going beyond lithium ion batteries.