Has scientific visibility come with greater skepticism or support?
Mariam Elalfy examines the intricacies of public trust in science emphasising the need for transparent communication and understanding.
Mariam Elalfy examines the intricacies of public trust in science emphasising the need for transparent communication and understanding.
Isabel Hubbard explores the challenges of plastic waste and highlights innovative enzyme-driven solutions for sustainable decomposition.
Joseph Lailey unveils the potential of flywheels in renewable energy storage, tracing their history and their future applications.
Ilke Boran explores the problem of scientific misattributions and representation in academia advocating for systemic solutions.
Lily Massey explores the potential of senolytics to combat age-related diseases, possibly improving the quality of human life in later years.
Angelina Shcherbakowa delves into the enigma of Guam’s lytico-bodig disease, attempting to trace its potential origins.
Climate change has more negative outcomes than we think, argues Natalie Stevenson, explaining how it affects human health.
Deyaanjali Deb describes the wondrous world of fungi, highlighting the unexpected effects of music on the development of mushrooms.
Ellie Smith describes the importance of laughter in shaping human behaviour, social bonding, and evolution.
Ayaka Hogg explains the mysteries behind neurodegeneration caused by prions, misfolded proteins that can spread through the brain.