The particle physics of tomorrow: The Future Circular Collider
A new particle accelerator at CERN will allow physicists to investigate theories beyond the Standard Model, reports Jairus Tristan Patoc.
A new particle accelerator at CERN will allow physicists to investigate theories beyond the Standard Model, reports Jairus Tristan Patoc.
More holistic and interdisciplinary attention is needed for microbiome research to live up to its hype, argues Isabel Williams.
Iza Basharat reviews what is known of the connection between the brain and nutrition—and particularly the microorganisms in our gut.
Megan Stoker reviews the current medical understanding of the enigmatic condition ME/CFS, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Tanmayee Desprabhu describes how the development of de-centalised communication networks are making science fiction ideas a reality.
Sophie Beaumont reviews research into how the blood-brain barrier protects the brain, and poses challenges for delivery of medical treatment.
Cecilia Jay describes the challenges facing immunotherapy as cancer treatment, and its potential to revolutionise personalised medicine .
Bessie O’Dell explains how bias towards people from Western, educated, industrialised, rich and democratic (WEIRD) societies skews research.
Jacques William Bouvier debates the pros and cons of intellectual property in the life sciences, and how regulation might foster innovation.
Sakshi Rajesh explains what linguistics and brain sciences have to tell us about tongue twisters, and why we find them so difficult to say.